Admission Service
Guidelines for visitors during the COVID-19 epidemic situation.
1. Show your Covid-19 Certificate of Vaccination or the result of an Antigen Test Kit taken within 72 hrs.
2. Your temperature will be taken before entering the museum.
3. Check in / out by scanning the “Thai Chana” QR-Code or registering your name and contacts at the registration desk.
4. Wear a face mask at all times.
5. Keep physical distance of at least 2 meters apart from others, and wash and sanitize hands frequently while visiting the museum.
6. Dress appropriately. (no sleeveless/singlets, shorts/short skirts)
7. Maintain proper etiquette and refrain from loud noise that might disturb or offend other visitors.
8. Do not deface the exhibition or museum buildings. If visitors cause any damage to the museum exhibits in any way, they will be charged an amount equal to the damage incurred.
9. Do not touch any type of exhibits.
10. Filming of exhibitions inside the museum is prohibited unless written permission is obtained from the Museum.
11. No food or beverages are permitted in the museum’s indoor buildings.
12. No pets are allowed in the museum.
13. Smoking is prohibited inside the museum building. It is permitted only in designated areas.
FOR GROUP VISITOR (more than 10 persons)
14. Group visitors are permitted to have their meals only at the designated area and must not leave any waste at the museum.
15. The use of an amplifier or megaphone inside the exhibition building is reserved for museum staff only.
16. For greater convenience in visiting the museum, please make a reservation at least 3 days in advance.