Executive Meeting No. 1/2022
The Agricultural Museum organized an executive committee meeting No. 1/2022 with Air Chief Marshal Sanor Panpigool, Director of the Agricultural Museum. The following agendas were presented to the meeting:
Agenda 1: The Chairman briefed the meeting.
Agenda 2: Minutes are completed during the executive committee meeting No. 92021 on 15 December 2021.
Agenda 3: Items to be discussed.
3.1 Follow-up on assignment compliances during the 5th, 8th and 9th meetings during 2021.
3.2 Construction progress of an open air museum to meet criteria.
Agenda 4: Issues are acknowledged.
4.1 Board of Directors Meeting No. 11/2021 on 23 December 2022.
4.2 Performance and operational plans summary.