Policy and Operations Subcommittee No. 5/21

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On Tuesday, June 15, 2021, the Agricultural Museum Office held a subcommittee meeting via Zoom to drive policies and operations. Mr Suwan Burapornnusorn, Chairman of the Museum's Board of Directors, presided over the meeting.

Agenda 1: The Chairman presented the following agendas to the members for discussion.

Agenda 2: Minutes of the subcommittee to drive policy and operations of the Agricultural Museum Office No.4/21.

Agenda 3: Issues to be discussed.

3.1 Operational plan adjustment for fiscal year 2021 of the Agricultural Museum Office.

Agenda 4: Issues acknowledged.

4.1 Financial and performance reports for fiscal year 2021, as of May 31, 2021/

Agenda 5: Ongoing considerations.