Working Group Regulations Meeting No. 19/2021

18 ธ.ค. 64 29

The Agricultural Museum held a working group regulations meeting No. 18/2021 via the Zoom platform.  The following agendas were presented to the meeting:

Agenda 1: The Chairman briefed the meeting.

Agenda 2: Minutes are completed during the meeting.

Agenda 3: Items to be discussed.

3.1 The draft regulations of the Agricultural Museum are examined in the minutes of the legal subcommittee meeting No. 10/2021 on 14 December 2021. Considerations for assisting directors and officials who have been investigated for failure to perform their duties

Agenda 4: Issues are identified.

4.1 Drafting of insurance contracts in accordance with the Agricultural Museum’s regulations. Examines the assisting directors and government officials that have been under criminal investigation.

Agenda 5: Other concerns to be discussed.