Board of Directors Meeting No. 1/2022 via Zoom

28 ม.ค. 65 23

The Agricultural Museum held the Board of Directors’ Meeting No. 1/2022 via the Zoom platform, with a chairman presiding over the meeting. The The following agendas were presented to the meeting:

Agenda 1: The Chairman briefed the meeting.

Agenda 2: Minutes are completed during the Board of Directors’ Meeting No. 11/2021 as of 15 December 2021.

Agenda 3: Items to be discussed.

3.1 Considerations in relation to work departments and structure

Agenda 4:Issues are acknowledged.

4.1 Supervision of Board of Directors within Public Organizations during the fiscal year 2022, first quarter as of 31 December 2021

4.1.1 Operational report on the annual audit plan

4.1.2 Operational report on the internal control plan

4.1.3 Performance report on the risk management plan

4.1.4 Performance report on the digital action plan

4.2 Requesting grants/funds due to employment termination

4.3 Surveys based on service satisfaction for the Ministry of Finance during the fiscal year 2022

Agenda 5: Consideration of issues

5.1 Performance report on expenditures for fiscal year 2022, first quarter as of 31 December 2021

5.2 Assessment on Public Organization for fiscal year 2022

5.3 Preparation to request expenditure budget for the fiscal year 2023

5.4 Audit Committee and subcommittees meeting summary

5.5 Agricultural Museum scheduled meeting No. 2/2022